Axel Oktavian Antonio

Bekasi, Indonesia, 17131
rl404 Axel Oktavian Antonio

Just your everyday backend developer who likes trying new things. Also has some knowledge in frontend and devops area.


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GovTech Edu

IT Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jan 2024 - Current

Technical Lead

  • Led technical direction and guidance for team of 8 members alongside Engineering Manager, ensuring the successful delivery of features.
  • Implemented new unique identifier number (NUPTK) for over 300,000 lecturers in Indonesia.
  • Migrated and improved 6 legacy features, achiving 80%+ user satisfaction rate.
  • Designed and established the development environment and skeleton, reducing development time by 30% and enabling faster feature deployment.

GovTech Edu

IT Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jul 2022 - Dec 2023

Backend Developer

  • Designed, developed, and maintained 8 scalable microservices, ensuring the reliability and performance of the system by implementing best practices and clean codes.
  • Developed and maintained reusable internal libraries, providing standardized functionality across 8 services.
  • Optimized the Docker-building-related CI/CD pipeline, reducing building resources by 88% and storage by 84% through combining and reusing common Docker images.
  • Enhanced the error tracking by implementing structured logging and utilizing request context. Reduced the time to identify errors by 30% and improved log readability.


IT Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
Aug 2021 - Jun 2022

Backend Developer

  • Spearheaded the development and implementation of coding standards and best practices, ensuring consistency and quality across all projects.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained a secure and scalable payment service used by various internal projects.
  • Integrated 3+ payment gateway APIs and libraries to provide users with vast and flexible payment options.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained various micro-sites for marketing campaigns, enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement.
  • Implemented logging and application performance monitoring (APM) tools, such as ELK stack and Prometheus, to track system performance and identify errors.
  • Established a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline using Gitlab and Docker, automating the migration and deployment process for increased efficiency and reliability.

Mola TV

Backend Team
Jakarta, Indonesia
Oct 2020 - Jul 2021

Backend Developer

  • Developed and maintained back-end microservices, ensuring scalability, reliability, and code quality.
  • Implemented the circuit-breaker pattern for database and cache, improving system resilience and preventing cascading failures.
  • Developed and wrote unit tests, ensuring the correctness and reliability of the codebase.
  • Integrated Swagger to automatically generate API documentation, improving developer productivity and API usability.


Tech Team
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dec 2019 - Sep 2020

Backend Developer

  • Designed, developed, and maintained back-end services, providing data access for front-end developers across web and mobile applications.
  • Collaborated with front-end developers to understand their requirements and ensure seamless integration with the API.
  • Implemented automated unit testing, ensuring code quality and reliability.
  • Implemented automated deployment, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.

Docotel World

Operational Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
Feb 2019 - Nov 2019

DevOps Team Lead

  • Led a team of 4 developers to maintain deployed projects, ensuring the stability and usability. This included both client-side and server-side projects.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure the readiness of their newly added features.
  • Implemented a continuous integration and continous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline using Gitlab, automating the deployment process to ensure the efficiency and reliability.
  • Designed and developed a Telegram bot to notify transaction error status, improving user experience and engagement.

Docotel World

Operational Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
Sep 2018 - Jan 2019


  • Developed and maintained over 10 government-related web applications, handling more than 1,500,000 transactions per month. Ensured high availability, security, and scalability.
  • Designed and developed tools to handle common and repeated client requests, improving efficiency and reducing manual effort.
  • Developed a web application for clients to communicate with the Heldesk department, resulting in 500 tickets being created each month, improving customer support and issue resolution.

Docotel World

Developer Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jan 2018 - Aug 2018

Web Developer

  • Developed multiple web applications for notaries in Indonesia, ensuring compliance with government regulations and standards.
  • Conducted an analysis of database queries and suggested improvements to enhance query speed and optimize database performance.


Engineering Division
Jakarta, Indonesia
May 2017 - Oct 2017

Web Developer (Internship)

  • Designed and developed a document management web application, providing an easy-to-use distribution system between Toyota Japan, Toyota Indonesia, and their suppliers.
  • Designed and developed an engineer activities and work hour management web application, improving efficiency and transparency in tracking and managing engineers.
  • Designed and developed a document process management web application, streamlining the document process between the Engineering and Purchasing divisions, resulting in improved collaboration and efficiency.


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King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Bangkok, Thailand
Aug 2013 - Jan 2017

Bachelor of Computer Science

  • GPA 3.4 out of 4.0
  • Graduated with Second Class Honor

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Tokyo, Japan
Jun 2016 - Aug 2016


  • Conducted a "Simple Fighting Game by Character View Image Analysis" research using Unity Game Engine.

Activities and Achievements

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Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Tokyo, Japan
Jun 2016 - Aug 2016

JASSO Scholarship

  • Selected as a recipient of JASSO Scholarship to participate in a research at Tokyo University.

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Bangkok, Thailand
Aug 2014 - Dec 2014

Java Programming Mentor

  • Taught basic Java programming to 3 junior students


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Indonesia — Native
English — Proficient
Thai — Beginner
Japanese — Beginner


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Go, PHP, JavaScript


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Redis


RabbitMQ, NSQ, Google-Pubsub


Elasticsearch, Kibana, Prometheus, Grafana

Version Control

Git, Github, Gitlab


Docker, Kubernetes


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Explore anime database with Bakemonogatari theme.
nodejs, react


Explore manga in manga style. Using "hibiki" as backend.
nodejs, sveltekit


Visualize vtuber data from wikia to more modern website pages. Using "shimakaze" as backend.
nodejs, sveltekit


Vtuber wikia scraper and REST API.
go, mongodb, redis, google pubsub, newrelic, docker, kubernetes


MyAnimeList manga database dump and REST API.
go, mongodb, redis, google pubsub, newrelic, docker, kubernetes


View and edit your MyAnimeList anime and manga list in a more modern design with custom tags editor.
nodejs, react


Convert your MyAnimeList anime list to force-directed graph and see your anime world. Using "akatsuki" as backend.
nodejs, react


MyAnimeList anime database dump and REST API.
go, posgtresql, redis, google pubsub, newrelic, docker, kubernetes


Discord bot for playing youtube song.
go, redis, docker, kubernetes


Unofficial golang API wrapper for


Unofficial golang API wrapper for xfers (V4 Indonesia).


Unofficial golang API wrapper for


General tools for easier and simpler development.


Unofficial Anilist graphql api wrapper.


Discord bot to get anime/manga/character/people data with interactive response message.
go, redis, docker, kubernetes


Auto generate MyAnimeList anime/manga CSS cover.
go, docker, kubernetes

Nyaa X Discord

Discord bot to notify Nyaa updates.
go, mongodb, docker, kubernetes

Image Randomizer

Simple website to generate random image from chosen image list.
go, postgresql, nodejs, react, docker, kubernetes

Sistem Informasi Sumberdaya Terintegrasi (SISTER)

An online service for serving portfolio, updating data, and processing career of all lecturers in Indonesia. This is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) to reduce lecturers' workload on updating their career activities.
php, postgresql, docker, kubernetes

Kampus Merdeka

An online service for providing students with the opportunity to hone their skills by going directly into real world and working as a career preparation step. This is part of the independent learning policy by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).
go, postgresql, redis, google-pubsub, docker, kubernetes


An online service for renting vehicle and sending goods.
nodejs, mysql, redis, prometheus, grafana

MLBB Philippine

Campaign for eDOT philippine and Mobile Legend collaboration.
go, mysql, redis, docker, prometheus, grafana, elasticsearch, kibana

Wheel of Fortune

Discount voucher campaign for eDOT.
go, mysql, redis, rabbitmq, docker, prometheus, grafana, elasticsearch, kibana

Richeese x MLBB

Campaign for Richeese Factory and Mobile Legend collaboration.
go, mysql, redis, rabbitmq, docker, prometheus, grafana, elasticsearch, kibana


Payment service used by various projects in eDOT.
go, mysql, redis, rabbitmq, docker, prometheus, grafana, elasticsearch, kibana

Mola TV

An online video streaming platform.
go, mysql, redis, nsq, docker, kubernetes


An online mobile application for buying, selling, and withdrawing digital gold.
go, beego, mysql, redis, elasticsearch, kibana, rabbitmq


An online mobile application for selling any kind of gold including jewelry, second-hand gold, and various type of precious gold metal.
go, beego, mysql, redis

Doco Ticketing

A support ticket system used to communicate between internal divisions in Docotel World company and their clients.
php, mysql

AHU Online

A public service online system owned by the Directorate of General Legal Administration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Notariat

A public service online system to manage all notary-related activities in Indonesia including registration, examination, assignment, documentation, etc. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql


A public service online system to manage all law firm (company, foundation, and association) activities in Indonesia including name-ordering, establishment, alteration, and other transaction. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Wasiat

A public service online system to manage all testament letter related activities in Indonesia including reporting, ordering, and applying. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Billing

A public service online system to manage all bill and voucher payment used in AHU-Online. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Simpadhu

A REST API micro service to manage voucher transaction between AHU-Online and Simponi (online non-tax state revenue system owned by Ministry of Finance in Indonesia).This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Fidusia

A public service online system to manage transferring of property (mostly vehicle) ownership rights in Indonesia. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, mysql


A public service online system to manage all civil servant investigator related activities in Indonesia including registration, examination, alteration, assignment, documentation, etc. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Pewarganegaraan

A public service online system to manage documentation for intermarriage that want to be Indonesian citizen. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, mysql

AHU Legalisasi

A public service online system to manage all document legalization activities in Indonesia including registration, application, and verification. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii2, mysql

AHU Parpol

A public service online system to manage all political party transaction in Indonesia including establishment, alteration, and approval. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii2, mysql


An internal service online system to manage all activity schedule and plan in one calendar used by General Legal Administration (AHU) employees.
php, yii2, mysql


A public service online system to manage all intellectual property non-tax state revenue paymentin Indonesia.
php, yii2, oracle

PNBP Channel

A REST API micro service to manage all voucher transaction between PNBP-DJKI and Simponi (online non-tax state revenue system owned by Ministry of Finance in Indonesia).
php, yii2, oracle


A public service online system to manage all patent application in Indonesia. This project is using PNBP-Channel service to manage its voucher payment and transaction.
php, yii2, oracle

Desain Industri

A public service online system to manage all industrial design application in Indonesia. This project is using PNBP-Channel service to manage its voucher payment and transaction.
php, yii2, oracle


An internal service online system to manage all secretariat administration activities in General Legal Administration office (AHU) including salary, mailing, finance, business travel report, etc. This project is part of AHU-Online project.
php, yii, yii2, mysql


An internal service online system to manage all secretariat administration activities in Intellectual Property office (DJKI) including salary, mailing, finance, business travel report, etc.
php, yii, mysql

Imigration DB Migration

A web-based tool to manage passport data migration from all immigration in Indonesia and all Indonesian embassies in foreign countries to a central database in Jakarta. Migrating from MySQL to Oracle.
php, yii, mysql, oracle


A web information for a leading business law firm in Indonesia offering a full range of corporate, banking, litigation and specialist legal services to national and international clients.
php, yii, mysql

TS Online

An online system to manage vehicle-parts-alteration document distribution between Toyota Indonesia, Toyota Japan, and Toyota’s suppliers.
php, mysql

Job Loading

An online system to manage all engineer in Engineering Division works and activities hour and summarize them into a graph.
php, mysql


An online system to manage vehicle-alteration document process between Engineering Division and Purchasing Division.
php, mysql

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